I use this page as a self-hosted "micro blog" without any sharing/commenting nonsense from twitter, so I can dump random thoughts here.
Fun but meaningless endevors up till now this year:
Spent whole day fighting cloudflare and netlify …
Internet is beautiful: https://removepaywalls.com/
Disable generating .DS_STORE files. (Article link)[https://service.alaska.edu/TDClient/36/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=219].
TL,DR: run these 2 commands in terminal to not generate .DS_STORE files on network drive or usb drives:
defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool TRUE
, defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteUSBStores -bool TRUE
And the (Dive into Deep Learning)[https://github.com/d2l-ai/d2l-en/releases] book.
Try to read (this book)[https://isip.piconepress.com/courses/temple/ece_4822/resources/books/Deep-Learning-with-PyTorch.pdf] on the airplane.
Also here we have the stanford (cs221 Artificial Intelligence](https://web.stanford.edu/class/archive/cs/cs221/cs221.1196/).
I want to build a local LLM that can read my pdfs and I can ask it question. Here are some links I found. https://www.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/1foct9g/paid_or_free_what_is_the_best_local_pc_llm_rag/, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41968366. For example https://msty.app/ looks pretty neat.
Recent finding Painless conjugate gradient by Jonathan Shewchuk.
Also some videos and lectures about Reinforcement Learning. Book by Sutton and Barto, Lectures by Pieter Abbeel, and Lectures by David Silver.
Embedding js to hugo involves modifying the theme folder. It’s quite a hack. I don’t like it.
startup files for different shells (bash, zsh) for different login types (login shell, non login shell) can be confusing. Here is a nice summary: https://hyperpolyglot.org/unix-shells#startup-file
My use case was to ssh into a server starting tmux automatically. In this case the server has Nix installed, so the PATH needs to be set properly, and the tmux is managed by home-manager.
Wasted lots of time on researching to buy a laptop for the kids. Feels like if I really want to keep the laptop for a long time, I’d better do a new macbook air. But kids need windows software and they are careless and dirty. Might get a sturdy used windows machine.
Apollo app is officially dead…
https://umarahmad.xyz/blog/editing-remote-code-with-emacs/ Pretty comprehensive on editing remote code with emacs.
Blog idea: write about boost_outcome_try and boost_outcome_tryx.
Learnt how to include javascript to hugo post: https://cborchers.com/2020/12/08/how-to-include-javascript-in-your-hugo-website-or-blog-for-cool-applications/
This is really helpful to setup remove gui access to debian server: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-on-debian-11
Congrates to Dr. Li for bringing his company to Nasdaq!
Ping from bb.sh :) I should really share this tool to the world.
Internet is beautiful! — my feelings after being helped by a guy on Reddit about phone plans.
HN discussion on linear algebra book: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31707163
ffmpegbuddy https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31557809 I feel it has space to improve.
Pixar is academics who use stories to showcase their technology. Disney Animation is artists who use technology to tell stories. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24347131
streamlit and voila (not viola), nice tools to have python based webapp.
hilite.me nice little web app
Really need to properly setup nix-darwin and home-manager. Setting up new machine is painful.
Went to a range for shooting clays. It was really fun. And I did pretty well, what a surprise.
https://github.com/BoltzmannEntropy/interviews.ai Deep Learning Interviews book: Hundreds of fully solved job interview questions from a wide range of key topics in AI.
I don’t know how many times I checked the tracking wetsit, but finally my Nuphy Air75 arrived.
Letter to Santa website
Alternative front end with old school Telnet BBS style interface for some forums.
Just renewed my domain name with coupon COUPONFCNC
Awesome website https://ciechanow.ski/curves-and-surfaces/
Interesting post on gnu: https://ariadnavigo.xyz/posts/what-the-gnu/
Watching Seinfeld and listening to Car Talk is the best time of day.
Fun hacks: http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html
Here is to feeling good all the time. Mr. K.
Set up personal dbx, need to be more organized with my files.
It’s so hard to generate good sound from cello.
Vim mode transition diagram https://rawgit.com/darcyparker/1886716/raw/eab57dfe784f016085251771d65a75a471ca22d4/vimModeStateDiagram.svg
Update iOS shortcut
Updated github token
dd if=/dev/zero of=/pathtousb/test1.img bs=1G count=1 oflag=dsync gives 52MB/s with WD passport and nuc
Found a use case for this piece of useless skill…
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8863 This is the thread when Dropbox first launched. What a good read.
I wish I could have ore time reading and studying…
Never in my life have I worried about my weight, until now! I’m a fat ass with round face and belly😭
It’ll be an interesting project to extend tuir for other sites/forums. Get data from api or just web scraping, and use tuir’s framework to display posts. Does not need to keep live connection.
https://regexone.com/ good site for dummies like me
Need new strategy so I can be more relaxed. Currently hours spent daily with very little result. Not sustainable:(
It feels so good you can share one off characters on r/Seinfeld and people remember the lines immediately! I love Reddit!
Realized that I’ve been sighing too much at home. Feel sorry. And feel luck that my wife is a such well tempered person, so patient and tolerant to me and the kids.
Jellyfin on raspberry pi is pretty nice.
This is a brilliant website https://clickclickclick.click/
Returned to 0.
TIL. https://faculty.math.illinois.edu/~castelln/prillion_revised_10-05.pdf
Met an old friend while he was doing a gig in a park. Feel very happy!!
Vscode neovim extension has more star than vim, hmm.
A once in a lifetime opportunity comes around every month.
Hello March. Am I better than two months ago?
3 interesting article about vim, especially the 1st one:
Fixed mac front matter issue
Have to chose a number above 30 for soccer jersey, which turned out to be a really tough task.
Post from iPhone: Feb is done. How time flies!
Finally done! Posting with iOS shortcuts!!
debugging ios shortcuts
When can I trade based on my own DD without seeking for recommendations on reddit?
test posting on mac
Got a red market but I didn’t panic. However, when trying to be “greedy”, I made bullish bets on RIOT, which turned out to be bad decision. Lesson learnt: don’t trade on phone.
Baiaorui on thetagang is pretty good.
Learnt this today “Hindsight is always 20/20.” It’s gold. Need to prepare a plan for each play and execute it strictly.
Things I’ve been obsessed with during pandemic: 1. (May) WSB, DD, Option, 2. Spark, 3. Xbox, 4. Guitar, 5. NixOS, 6. tirelesstinkerer.org, 7. WSB, Options, Thetagang. Anyway, I’m a tinkerer… sigh!
Well, after nearly a month struggling, I’m now officially a bagholder of GME. I told myself and friends that I was ready to lose those shares, but losing money hurts. It kept me refreshing the page for a miracle and it distracted me from reasearch on other good movements.
Risk management!!!! Lesson learnt.
GME, what an epic short squeeze!
I got an iphone but still haven’t got time to create a shortcut to post.
Learnt when to close a position. I always thought I should close with max profit. Now I know that as I take profit, the remaining rist/profit ratio is increasing.
Found an ebook Algorithms for Decision Making.
wow, games hosted on github.
I don’t follow politics. But recent events about big companies banning a big boss influencer makes me think that decentralized or p2p style microblog or messaging systems are in need in some cases. They can ban anyone, good people or bad people, and make them isolated or impossible to be heard. This feels scary.
Site is online!
Got some progress last night -> Wen to sleep -> Found a fatal error that ruined my progress -> Spent all morning trying to overcome it without good idea -> Took a nap after lunch -> Found that the error could be easily bypassed.
You never know what would come out of your sleep.
TIL: How to trace history of a function in git:
git log -L:func:path/to/file
gitk -L:func:path/to/file
This traffic simulator is interesting.
I’ve pretty much got what I need for this blog/ublog. Next steps:
This post is generated using a shell script which works like a git commit message.
What a tinkerer I am!
That’s all for today!